• Mr. YUAN Yingjie
    Born in 1976, is a senior engineer. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree of Engineering in Highways and Urban Roads from Xi’an University of Expressway Traffics, and both Master’s and Doctoral degrees of Engineering in Roads and Railways Engineering from Chang’an University.
  • Mr. WU Wei
    Executive Director
    Born in 1969, is a professorial senior engineer with a Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Mr. LI Wei
    Executive Director
    Born in 1969, is a senior engineer. He graduated from Lanzhou Jiaotong University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering. Mr. Li studied Logistics Management at Dresden University of Technology in Germany from 2004 to 2005.
  • Mr. YANG Xudong
    Non-Executive Director
    Born in 1973, is a senior engineer. He graduated from Highway School of Chang’an University with a Doctoral Degree in Road and Railway Engineering.
  • Mr. FAN Ye
    Non-Executive Director
    Born in 1982, is an economist. He graduated from Zhejiang University with a Doctoral Degree in Economy.
  • Mr. HUANG Jianzhang
    Non-Executive Director
    Born in 1980, is a senior economist. He graduated from Zhejiang University majoring in Business Management with a Master’s Degree in Management.
  • Mr. PEI Ker-Wei
    Independent Non-Executive Director
    Born in 1957, is a Professor Emeritus in Accounting at the School of Accountancy at the W. P. Carey School of Business-Arizona State University. Mr. Pei received his Ph.D. Degree in Accounting from University of North Texas in 1986.
  • Ms. LEE Wai Tsang,Rosa
    Independent Non-Executive Director
    Born in 1977, has over 22 years of experience in the financial sector and is a licensed person for asset management under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (“SFO”). She holds a Master of Science in Finance from Boston College and an MBA from University of Chicago.
  • Mr. YU Mingyuan
    Independent Non-Executive Director
    Born in 1962, graduated from Tongji University in 1984.
  • Mr. LU Wenwei
    Supervisor Representing Shareholders
    Born in 1978, is a senior accountant. He graduated from the School of Economics and Management at Zhejiang University of Technology with a Master’s Degree in Management.
  • Mr. FANG Yong
    Supervisor Representing Employees
    Born in 1982, is a senior economist. He graduated from Zhejiang University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics.
  • Mr. WANG Yubing
    Supervisor Representing Employees
    Born in 1969, is a senior accountant. He graduated from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics with a Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Ms. HE Meiyun
    Independent Supervisor
    Born in 1964, is a senior economist. She graduated from Zhejiang University in 1986 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and later received an Executive Master of Business Admiration (EMBA) in Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.
  • Mr. WU Qingwang
    Independent Supervisor
    Born in 1965, is a PRC Lawyer. He graduated from Hangzhou University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Law in 1989 and later received a Master’s Degree and a Doctoral Degree in Civil and Commercial Law in Southwest University of Political Science and Law in 1995 and 2004, respectively.
  • Mr. HAN Jinghua
    Senior Management Member
    Born in 1979, graduated from the School of Economics and Management at Zhejiang University of Technology majoring in economics and management with a Master’s Degree in Management, and obtained the title of economist.
  • Mr. WU Xiangyang
    Senior Management Member
    Born in 1972, is a professor-level senior engineer, having a Master’s Degree in engineering from Chang’an University and a Bachelor’s Degree in engineering from Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
  • Mr. ZHAO Dongquan
    Senior Management Member
    Born in 1972, is a senior engineer, having a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from Zhejiang University of Technology.
  • Ms. RUAN Liya
    Senior Management Member
    Born in 1983, is a senior economist. She graduated from Zhejiang University with a Master’s Degree in Science.
  • Mr. WANG Lijian
    Senior Management Member
    Born in 1980, is a senior engineer and a Master of Engineering Science from Harbin Institute of Technology.
  • Mr. JIANG Libiao
    Senior Management Member
    Born in 1971, is a senior engineer and graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong University in Accounting.
    Senior Management Member
    Born in 1969, graduated from University of California at Berkeley with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering in 1995.